Sunday, July 22, 2007


Every day - I wake up thinking whats in stock for me today. Day starts, more like our workout on a tred-mill , with slow warm up and followed by strenuous jog till evening and cool down phase when I return to home. In bed, few minutes before sleep, I rememebr what happened today - and common and consistent thoughts I have is ....

What we did, why we did, who are they, is it correct, what is correct and ton of questions.... I ever felt that this material world is not right- where one for material benifits acting the way it would hurt others. Comparing to the journey MAN started are where he heading - is it a right direction where every thing is measured materlisticly.

All these questions and many more were raised by Arjuna( Indian Hinduism philosophy) before he was supposed to fight his brothers for kingdom. He asks Krishna, whom am I going to fight ?every one infront of me are my relatives and what I am going to acheive by defeating or killing them ? Is Kingdom worth this? I feel me asking the same question who am I fighting with , Is it worth?

Krishna says " You are created to do a task, do your task with truthfulness and rightful mind and leave the consiquencecs on me", he adds, "Do every task with your heart in it- do not worry if you donot get the anticipated results out of it, they would certainly come to you eventually"

I cosole with these words and ensure that I do right thing and with all my heart into the task, either it is in the office or at my home. - Every day as long as I am sure that I did this, sure that I am going to get peaceful sleep and be ready to face another Day ahead.

I always wish I share the thoughts and feelings, I do share with my friends, sharing through this blog feels me think that I am sharing my thoughts to those friends - Like you.

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